Festival season has arrived and it’s that time of year where we enjoy a good party outdoors. Whether you’re glamping or camping, we’ve put together a list of festival essentials so that you have everything you need. You can also save money and buy the majority of these from Dealz!
Festival Essentials
ID/Tickets/Cash – these are a must and essential for you to get into the festival!
Mobile phone (and charger) – to stay in touch with your friends and fellow festival goers as well as being able to share your moments on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Tent/Blankets/Pillows/Sleeping Bag – to stay warm during the night and for a comfortable sleep so that you can enjoy the daytime partying! We have tent pegs and ground sheets.
Instant BBQ/Lighters – if you’re planning on cooking up your own food
Plates/Cups/Cutlery – we have disposable and plastic tableware which you can take with you as well as camping bottles and bowls. Disposable plates also mean less luggage back for the journey home and not having to wash up.
Clothes – pack light by taking clothes you can mix and match to create new outfits for each day. Remember to take underwear and socks for each day you’re there too.
Makeup – waterproof mascara and a bright lipstick are perfect. Take a look at our Make Up Gallery range online
Wellies – it can get muddy and you want to keep your feet clean and comfortable to prevent blisters and cuts
Sunscreen/Sunglasses/Hat – squinting the whole while and partying with sunburn is no fun.
Wet wipes/Hand sanitiser – wet wipes are perfect for a wipe down if there are no showers and to keep clean. You also may not be able to wash your hands before eating and so keeping these handy will make staying hygienic easier
Toothbrush/Toothpaste – Fresh breath is a must!
Deodorant/Shower Gel – you can stay smelling fresh during your days and nights of partying
Dry shampoo – you may not have the time or facilities to wash your hair so dry shampoo is convenient for refreshing
Towel – for whenever you need to dry yourself
Toilet roll – always handy to have nearby and it’s always best to take your own so that you won’t have the risk of lining up to use the toilets only to find out there’s no tissue paper left!
Ear plugs/Eye mask – to help you sleep during night and through the 6am sunrise
Compact mirror – whether it’s for quick checks or for doing your hair and make up
Bin bags – to keep your camping area clean from waste
Duct tape – this will help patch up any holes your tent might get during your stay
Waterproof poncho/Umbrella – the weather can be unpredictable at times so prepare for rain
Torch – searching for what you need in the dark will be pretty difficult without one!
First aid kit/Paracetamol/Effervescent – for small injuries and pain relief so that you can still have a good time
Glow Sticks – for a more colourful party
Stay hydrated – all of that dancing and being exposed to the sunshine will leave you parched (especially if you’re drinking alcohol too) so why not take our 10 litre water carrier with you.
Keep all valuables and cash close by – zipped pockets or a money bag will be best. Also leave any expensive clothes, jewellery and shoes at home as they will most likely get dirty and ruined
Don’t take more than you need – it can be tempting but as long as you have your essentials and enough change of clothes, you won’t need to take so much with you
Consider what food to take with you as perishables such as meat and dairy can get spoiled easily especially in hot weather.
Check festival rules – the festival you’re attending may have certain rules and regulations you’ll need to follow
HAVE FUN! – staying out in the wilderness may not be a rosy experience but with a positive attitude you’re sure to have a great time
Take a look at our products online and have an Endless Summer of Amazing Value with Dealz. Remember to Like Us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and sign up to receive our newsletter if you want to keep up to date with all the Summer offers and prize draws!