Unicorn Pumpkins

Oct 18 2018

Unicorn Pumpkins

Unicorn pumpkins are a great way of bringing something different and magical to your Halloween decorations.

You Will Need

  • Pumpkins
  • White paint
  • Air drying clay
  • Gold spray paint
  • Skewer
  • Felt
  • Hot glue gun
  • Black permanent marker pen

What To Do

  1. Paint your pumpkin white and leave to dry.
  2. To make the unicorn horn, roll out two pieces of air drying clay and roll the ends to a point. Twist the two pieces together then roll to make the horn smooth. Insert a skewer into the base of the horn so it reaches around half way up.
  3. Once completely dry, spray paint the horn gold and leave to dry.
  4. Cut out strips of different coloured felt to make the mane and layer up two pieces of felt in triangular shapes to make the ears.
  5. Cut a small triangle at the bottom of the ears so that you can stick them down using a hot glue gun and make them stand up. Glue the mane and ears into place.
  6. Draw on the eyes and eyelashes using a black permanent pen.
  7. Finish off by inserting the horn onto the forehead.

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